
Symposium on Quantum Technologies RSEF – Ramon Areces Symposium

The Ramon Areces Foundation, jointly with the GIC Group of the Spanish Royal Physics Society, is organizing a symposium on quantum technologies that will take place on Nov. 21st and 22nd –full day and morning, respectively.

The preliminary list of invited speakers is

Markus Aspelmeyer, University of Vienna
Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics
Ignacio Cirac, Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics
Fedor Jelezko, University of Ulm
Andreas Wallraff, ETH Zurich
Stephanie Wehner, QuTech and TU Delft
Antonio Acín, ICFO
F. J. García-Vidal, UAM IFIMAC
Fernando Luis, ICMA-CSIC/Unizar
Anna Sanpera, UAB
Leticia Tarruell, ICFO
Roberta Zambrini, IFISC-CSIC
The event will take place at the Ramon Areces conference hall in their premises. More information will be provided in the near future.

The Spanish Network on Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies wants to support attendance of young scientists from the network to this event. Interested PhD and postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to send me an email providing their name, their group and institution, a summary of their research topics (with publications, if any) and an estimate of travel expenses.


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